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Siphoning of sludge from the septic tank

In the Philippines, the disposal of wastewater and sludge from the septic tanks of residential, commercial, and industrial areas remains a daunting challenge. Contaminated water from the septic tanks goes straight to drainage systems connected to rivers, streams, lakes, and seas, thus polluting these bodies of water.

One solution is to provide communities with sewerage treatment facilities that convert wastewater into clean water. But building and operating these costly facilities (though it’s a long-term solution) take a lot of time and effort.

CAÑADA Excavation offers communities a more doable and immediate environment-friendly solution by siphoning off common pollutants. With this type of service, wastewater is suctioned from septic tanks using siphon-type pumps. The collected wastewater is then transported to a disposal facility duly accredited with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) where the wastewater is treated.

  • Open Septic Tank
  • Suction wastewater using pump
  • Perform restoration work, if necessary
  • Transport wastewater to proper disposal facility