
Mobile Number

0908 2439 212 / 0917 320 5268

Phone Number

(046) 537 0369

Sewer line maintenance

Sewer lines are commonly used in industrial parks where most locators are connected to the park’s sewer system. This system collects different types of waste from various businesses within the area. The constant and heavy use of the sewer system where waste accumulates inside old pipes eventually clogs sewer lines.

CAÑADA Excavation’s de-clogging service addresses this problem without doing damage to existing pipes and with little or no disturbance in the area. In fact, the company has serviced several industrial parks that have relied on its quality service pertaining to sewer line and pipeline maintenance.

  • Ensure safety of workers
  • Coordinate traffic
  • Access manhole
  • Declog pipeline/sewer line
  • Perform restoration work, if needed
  • Transport collected waste to proper disposal facility