
Mobile Number

0908 2439 212 / 0917 320 5268

Phone Number

(046) 537 0369


Our Services

What Service We Offer

CAÑADA EXCAVATION AND PLUMBING SERVICES offers different services related to sanitation. Our main services are the following:

Siphoning of sludge from the septic tank

In the Philippines, the disposal of wastewater and sludge from the septic tanks of residential, commercial and industrial areas remains a daunting challenge.

Manual removal of garbage and other solid waste inside the septic tank

During the life span of a septic tank, solid waste accumulate at the bottom which may cause clogging of the whole system

Sewer line maintenance

Sewer lines are commonly used in industrial parks where most locators are connected to the park’s sewer system

De-clogging of sanitary pipe lines

The clogging can be addressed without damage to the existing pipe and with little or no disturbance within the area.

Installation of sanitary pipe lines

Construction of septic tank and comfort rooms

Hauling and disposal of hazardous waste

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Saving Your Money With Efficient Plumbing Technologies
